
User roles

5 min read

Learn about Coder's user roles and the privileges they offer.

Coder allows you to assign different roles to users, and each role comes with a distinct set of privileges regarding what the user can access and which actions they can perform.

There are four roles available:

Role Description
Site admin Grants full access to the system. Note that there can only be one site admin per system
Site manager Allows access to all administrative functionality in addition to basic usage rights
Auditor Offers auditing functionality
Member Allows basic usage of Coder

Additive permissions

The following tables detail what permissions Coder grants to each of the four roles, but a summary of the roles are:

  • All users are (or have the permissions of) a member
  • An auditor has the permissions of a member, plus the ability to work with audit logs
  • A site manager has the permissions of a member or an auditor, plus additional administrative rights
  • A site admin has the permissions of a member, auditor, and site manager, as well as additional admin rights (e.g., creating site managers, access to API keys)

Site admin permissions

Create Read (all) Read (own) List Update (all) Update (own) Delete (all) Delete (own)
API keys X X X X X X X X
Audit logs X
Configuration X X
Dev URLs X X X X
Workspaces X X X X
Images X X X X
Image tags X X X X
Metrics X X
OAuth X X
Org members X X X X X
Organizations X X X X X
Registries X X X X
System banners X X X X
Users X X X X X X X

Site manager permissions

Create Read (all) Read (own) List Update (all) Update (own) Delete (all) Delete (own)
API keys X X X X
Audit logs X
Configuration X X
Dev URLs X X X X
Workspaces X X X X
Extensions X X
Images X X X X
Image tags X X X X
Metrics X X
OAuth X X
Org members X X X X X
Orgs X X X X X
Registries X X X X
System banners X X X X
Users X X X X X X X

Auditor permissions

Create Read (all) Read (own) List Update (all) Update (own) Delete (all) Delete (own)
API keys X X X X
Audit logs X
Configuration X
Dev URLs X X X
Metrics X
Users X X X

Member permissions

Create Read (all) Read (own) List Update (all) Update (own) Delete (all) Delete (own)
API keys X X X X
Configuration X
Dev URLs X X X X
Metrics X
Users X X X

Changing a user's role

By default, all new users are assigned the Member role. These users can be upgraded to Auditor or Site Manager by another user with administrative privileges.

To change a user's role, go to Manage > Users. Find the user and use the Site Role drop-down to change the assigned role.

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