

1 min read

Learn how to enable CVMs.

Before users can create a CVM-enabled workspace, a site manager must enable CVMs. To do so:

  1. Go to Manage > Admin > Infrastructure.
  2. Toggle the Enable Container-Based Virtual Machines option to Enable.

Cached CVMs

Cached CVMs are currently an alpha feature.

To improve the startup time for CVM-based workspaces, you can enable caching.

Cached CVMs require the shiftfs kernel to be present on the node. Some distributions (such as Ubuntu) include shiftfs. If you're unsure if shiftfs is present on your nodes, you can check by running modinfo shiftfs. If no output is returned, then you do not have shiftfs installed.

If you don't want to install shiftfs yourself, you can have Coder install the module automatically for you. It is important that you do not have secure boot enabled and that you have the kernel headers installed if you want Coder to install shiftfs on your behalf.

GPUs are not supported with cached CVMs at this time.

Cached CVMs

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