

2 min read

Learn how to augment the dashboard appearance.

Coder offers you appearance customization options for the following:

  • System banner messages
  • Service banner messages
  • The terms of service display

System banners

To customize your system banner messages:

  1. Go to Manage > Admin > Appearance in the Coder UI.
  2. Toggle the System Banner switch to On.
  3. Set your Background Color, and provide the text you want to be displayed in your Header and Footer.
  4. Click Save Preferences to save your changes.

System appearance

Service banners

The service banner allows you to display a message to all users of your Coder system. The user can dismiss the message at any time and Coder will not display a banner until you change the message (or disable and re-enable the current message).

  1. Go to Manage > Admin > Appearance in the Coder UI.
  2. Toggle the Service Banner switch to On.
  3. Set the Message.
  4. Click Save Preferences.

Service banner

Terms of service

To enable the display of terms of service and to edit the text displayed:

  1. Go to Manage > Admin > Appearance in the Coder UI.
  2. Toggle the switch to On.
  3. Provide your Terms of Service in Body; this editor accepts HTML and Markdown formatting.
  4. Click Save Preferences to save your changes.

Terms of service

Note: If you enable the use of terms of service, users will not be able to log in to Coder without first accepting the terms of service.

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