
Access URL

2 min read

Learn how to set the access URL.

This article will show you how to change your access URL, which is a custom domain name that you can use to access your Coder deployment.

Step 1: Ensure that your domain name resolves to Coder

The steps to do this vary based on the DNS provider you're using, but the general steps required are as follows:

  1. Check the contents of your namespace to obtain your ingress controller's IP address:
kubectl get all -n <your_namespace> -o wide

Find the service/coderd line, and copy the external IP value shown.

Point your DNS records from your custom domain to the external IP address you obtained in the previous step.

If your custom domain uses the HTTPS protocol, make sure that you have TLS certificates for use with your Coder deployment. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

Step 2: Update the Helm chart and redeploy Coder

When changing your access URL, you'll need to update your Helm chart and redeploy Coder:

helm upgrade coder coder/coder
--set devurlsHost="*"

See the enterprise-helm repo for more information on Coder's Helm charts.

Step 3: Provide the access URL in the Coder UI

  1. Log into Coder as a site admin/site manager and go to Manage > Admin > Infrastructure.

  2. Provide your custom domain in the Access URL field. The URL you provide must match the value you provided as in the previous step.

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