

3 min read

Released on 03/17/2021

Breaking changes ❗

  • helm: The namespaceWhitelist field on the Coder helm charts has been removed and the organization namespaces feature has been deprecated.
    • Deployments that had this value set cannot add namespaces, and cannot remove namespaces unless there are no environments still using them
    • Existing environments in whitelisted namespaces will continue to work
    • Environments cannot be created in whitelisted namespaces any longer
    • Organizations can't be removed from a workspace provider (see below) until all environments in that organization and workspace provider are deleted. Users in an organization can create environments in the built-in workspace provider until all environments in that provider are deleted and the organization is removed from the whitelist.

Features ✨

  • Workspace Providers: Workspace providers enable a single Coder deployment to provision and manage workspaces across multiple Kubernetes clusters and namespaces.

    • web: New configuration page available via Manage > Admin > Workspace Providers
    • web: New option to choose your workspace provider in the Create and Edit Environment modals
    • infra: New support for the use of multiple Kubernetes clusters and namespaces
  • Autostart: Autostart allows you to set the time when Coder automatically starts and builds your environments.

    • web: New onboarding wizard available for setting a preferred Autostart time.
    • web: New configuration page available via Account Preferences > Autostart that allows you to set a time and choose the environments that should be automatically started. We recommend enabling this feature for the environments you use the most.
    • web: New checkbox for opting into Autostart is available on the Create and Edit Environment modals.
    • web: Autostart action has been added to the Audit Log
  • web: Environment stop actions have been added to the Audit Log

  • web: UI shows most recent Build Log for offline environments

  • cli: Improved sign-in flow to authenticate the CLI with Coder

  • web: Improved error messages within the Build Log

    • Improved messages when '/coder/configure' is not executable
  • code-web: Upgraded to code-server version 3.9.0

  • jetbrains: The Mac OS keymap plugin is now automatically installed

  • web: Resources section on Environments page has been redesigned

  • web: Applied consistent design theme across all Preferences pages

Bug fixes 🐛

  • web: Fixed dormant accounts and accounts pending deletion not displaying correctly in the Manage > Users table
  • web: Fixed DevURL error page links using incorrect URIs.
  • infra: Fixed timeout when deleting users with many environments
  • infra: Increased offline timeout in trial versions of Coder
  • web: Fixed casing when referencing 'GitHub' and 'GitLab'
  • infra: Fixed an issue whereby renaming an OAuth provider caused a duplicate to be created. Migrating to 1.17.0 will remove these duplicates. They are not visible in the UI.
  • infra: Corrected environment statuses during build and shutdown states
  • web: Fixed SiteAdmin users receiving a notification that their SSH keys are out of sync after creating an initial environment.
    • Note: We do not recommend using the SiteAdmin user beyond the initial setup

Security updates 🔐

  • When resetting the SiteAdmin password using the cemanager reset-admin-password tool, Coder requires a new password to be set upon next login (the initial password provided is marked as a temporary password).

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